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High in the sky, where the horizon blends with dense and strange clouds, lives the Airglide Tribe. Ethereal beings not bound to the earth, they glide through the air currents, floating from place to place, without a fixed path. They pass through dense clouds that affect their mood, changing their energy and state—some become energized, while others sink into introspective calm. The sky is their home, a place without boundaries or rules, where the only constant is the ever-changing wind.

The Airglides are often mischievous, enjoying scaring other beings that dwell in the air or sky. They glide between the clouds with agility, appearing and disappearing like shadows, unsettling those who feel secure in their heights. They love to play with others' perceptions, making them believe the wind has grown heavier or that the clouds are about to swallow them. Their curious and playful nature drives them to explore endlessly, always leaving a trail of mystery and confusion behind.

Aerial pirates relentlessly hunt them, for they consider Airglides a rare delicacy. Their parts, so light and delicate, are coveted and sold as exquisite treats to the kingdoms in the depths of the sea. The pirates, with their floating ships and mist nets, eagerly seek to capture them, no matter the risk. But the Airglides, elusive and clever, know their terrain well and always manage to evade them, leaving only a soft laugh carried away by the wind.

Years ago, a young Airglide was pursued by a group of pirates who thought they had cornered him. At that moment, the Airglide leaped into the Aether Vortex, a cloud whirlpool that opens and closes with the rhythm of the wind. The Vortex, as unpredictable as it is deadly, swallowed the young Airglide and hid him inside, allowing him to escape through a wind portal that only the most skilled can control. The pirates, unable to follow, were trapped by the force of the Vortex, disappearing into the mist. Since then, the Airglides have used this phenomenon to escape their hunters, vanishing into the cloud whirlpool and leaving their pursuers lost in the sky

The Airglide Tribe floats among the clouds, playful and elusive, always one step ahead. Are you ready to join their aerial game? Collect your Airglide NFT and experience the thrill of the skies


You can Collect them directly on the DeSo chain in NftZ: 


© Created by Sergio_a_o_v

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